Matchmaking Ukrainian talents with Swedish companies

Published On: 2022-05-020.7 min read

Due to the war in Ukraine, many people are on the run. Lots of individuals and organizations make fantastic efforts to support the Ukrainian people and the Swedish government are encouraging employers to hire Ukrainian refugees.

Within the framework of the national Vinnova funded project Switch to Sweden – which is about matching international talents with Swedish employers – we have the opportunity to create a matchmaking activity where we can gather Ukrainian talents and match these people to jobs at Swedish companies and businesses. For this, we are now seeking the interest of employers who need this competence. The project is aimed at knowledge-intensive companies and talents who want to work in knowledge-intensive companies.

If you are interested in participating in a matchmaking described above or have other initiatives that you want to highlight, please don’t hesitate to contact us!

This Switch to Sweden activity is a collaboration between various Swedish Science Parks and will continue as long as needed.

Do you want to register your company?

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Are you a Ukrainian tech talent?

Sign up here

Fredrik Larsson

Norrköping Science Park

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